How old is Vinny Cerrato? When is Vinny Cerrato's birthday? Where is Vinny Cerrato born? Where did Vinny Cerrato grow up from? What's Vinny Cerrato's age?
Vinny Cerrato Born: Flushing, New York, NY
Vinny Cerrato Movies: Kindergarten Ninja
Is Vinny Cerrato married? When did Vinny Cerrato get married? Who's Vinny Cerrato's married to? (Who's Vinny Cerrato's husband / wife)?
Vinny Cerrato Spouse: Becky Cerrato
Vinny Cerrato Education: Iowa State University
On December 17, 2009, Cerrato resigned from the team. Cerrato and his tenure as general manager has been frequently regarded as a failure by peer evaluators, and the media. Since then, Cerrato has appeared on various sports talk radio shows in the Washington and Baltimore area.