Get lyrics of Hello hello bonjour bonjour shalom nihow song you love. List contains Hello hello bonjour bonjour shalom nihow song lyrics of older one songs and hot new releases. Get known every word of your favorite song or start your own karaoke party tonight :-).
HAP PALMER - 'ROUND THE WORLD WITH WAYS TO SAY HELLO LYRICSBonjour, bonjour, (bohn-zhoor) says hello in French Privet, privet, (preev-YET) that's the word in Russian Ni hao, ni hao, (nee how) says it in Chinese 'Round and 'round the world we go with ways to say hello There are oh, so, many friendly ways Every language has a word or phrase Shalom, shalom, (sha-lome) says hello in Hebrew MR. BILLY - SAY HELLO AROUND THE WORLD LYRICSRound and round, you can say hello Round and round, echo what I say To greet your neighbors the right way In French you say bonjour (bohn-zhoor) Bonjour (bohn-zhoor), bonjour (bohn-zhoor) In Hebrew you say shalom, (sha-lome) Salom, (sha-lome), shalom, (sha-lome) In Chinese you say ni hao, (nee how) Ni hao, (nee how), ni hao, (nee how) Hello Bonjour lyrics by Spearhead - original song full ...Hello Hello Bonjour Bonjour Hola Hola Konichiwa konichiwa wa x2 (Reggae rap) So dance to the rhythm, bounce to the rhythm, shake to the rhythm, and then you roll to the rhythm, sweat to the rhythm, get wet to the rhythm, make love to the rhythm, clean up to the rhythm When you move and you come alive, when you groove and in rhythm we survive Wee Sing - Hello to All the Children of the World Lyrics ...Hello to all the children of the world We live in different places from all around the world We speak in many different ways Though some things may be different, we're children just the same And we all like to sing and play Hello, bonjour, buenos dias Good day, guten-Tag, konichiwa Ciao, shalom, do-brey dien Hello to all the children of the world There are children in the deserts and children ... WEE SING - HELLO TO ALL THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD LYRICSHello, Bonjour, Buenos dias! G'day, Guten-Tag, Konichiwa... Ciao, Shalom, Do-Brey dien, Hello to all the children of the world! We live in different places from all around the world. We speak in many different ways! Though some things may be different, We're children just the same-And we all like to sing and play! Hello, Bonjour, Buenos dias! Milk & Honey - Shalom LyricsShalom, Shalom, You'll find Shalom The nicest greeting you know; It means bonjour, salud, and skoal And twice as much as hello. It means a million lovely things, Like peace be yours, Welcome home. And even when you say goodbye, You say goodbye with Shalom. Shalom lyrics Milk And Honey OSTShalom, Shalom, You'll find Shalom The nicest greeting you know; It means bonjour, salud, and skoal And twice as much as hello. It means a million lovely things, Like peace be yours, Welcome home. And even when you say goodbye, You say goodbye with Shalom. It's a very useful word, It can get you through the day; All you really need to know, Milk & Honey - Finale LyricsSay goodbye with a little "hello" in it... Shalom, Shalom, You'll find Shalom The nicest greeting you know; It means bonjour, salud, and skoal And twice as much as hello. It means a million lovely things, Like peace be yours, Welcome home. And even when you say goodbye, You say goodbye with Shalom. Michael Franti & Spearhead - Everybody Ona Move Lyrics ...Salam shalom, shalom salam The one sound louder than a bomb The whole world sings this song Check it, stop, rock Everybody ona move Everybody let's move Everybody ona move Everybody let's move Oh, yes And you don't stop And you don't quit And you don't stop Hold up, hold up, I forgot something I like my bass loudy, loudy, louder! Les Enfantastiques - Dire bonjour c'est joli Lyrics ...Dire bonjour c'est joli Dire bonjour c'est joli Dans n'importe quel pays Tous les mots d'ailleurs sont pleins de chaleur Mais la langue universelle Oui la langue la plus belle C'est celle que l'on parle avec son cœur 1.HELLO – HOLA (Anglais – Espagnol) DZIÉNDOBRY – BUONGIORNO (Polonais – Italien) DOBRÉ RÁNO – DOBRO JUTO (Slovaque – Slovène) MOLO (Afrique du Sud) SALÃM ... Michael Franti & Spearhead - Everybody Ona Move Lyrics ...Soldier of fortune... open your cookie Unfold the paper, stop looky looky Takin' order, the march to the kitchen Food for the masses, that's the new mission Salam shalom, shalom salam The one sound louder than a bomb The whole world sings this song Check it, stop, rock (pre-chorus and chorus) Hold up, hold up, I forgot something...Found 12 lyrics.