Vanessa Grimaldi: The Bachelor Winner's Cutest Photos!

Why was Vanessa Grimaldi the dark horse, if the consensus choice to win Nick Viall’s heart on Season 21 of The Bachelor all along?

Not just because The Bachelor spoilers said so.

The cute bilingual special education teacher from Canada had Nick captivated from the get-go, even if others stole a bit of her thunder.

Talking to you, Corinne Olympios.

While plenty of women have formed strong connections with Nick, Vanessa quietly became his absolute favorite, and for good reason.

She’s gorgeous, but there’s much more to her. Not one to brag about her “platinum vagine,” Grimaldi charms with her mind as well.

What a concept, we know.

Check out some pics of her before and during her time on The Bachelor and see part of the reason Nick was so enthralled with her …
